Monday, December 27, 2010
A Case of the Mondays? Not Me!
- Og Mandino
I knew this morning was going to be a good one. As I was driving home last night, the fog was rolling in. As night settled in, the fog gently came to rest on every branch of every tree. Slowly the sun came up, fighting through the leftover clouds. And nature left us a wonderful surprise: hoarfrost! …also known as a frosty coating of white on tree branches. I love it! It makes the ugly, brown, bare trees beautiful and glittery!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Snow Day Craziness
Normal people would have taken shelter in the cozy homes to make cookies and watch movies. Nope, not us.
It started with me driving down to AV Friday night to take care of my parent's dogs (Drake and Bella). They are on cruise, lucky them. Then I drove back up to St. Paul on Saturday morning around 9am. It took an hour. And visibility kinda sucked but wasn't too horrible yet. Somehow Tony and I got a grand idea to go out to lunch. I think it was mostly to cheer him up because he was really bummed about not being able to go ice fishing. We bundled up, took the car out of the garage, and headed to Roseville!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Birthday Boy
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Color Changes
So... my present from Tony is to decorate our bedroom (affordably). To kick things off, Tony painted three of the five walls (yes, we have an odd-shaped room) in our bedroom on his day off last Thursday. I had narrowed it down to a bright granny apple green, a dark masculine purple, or a rich deep tiffany blue. Tony was appalled at the thought of purple. And he definitely wasn't thrilled about green. So here is the winner:
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Easing Back In...
"The Excuse Queen" (as my husband as so kindly nicknamed me) is done! I enjoy blogging far too much to avoid it for such piddly reasons. If no one ever reads this, oh well. I am doing it to make myself happy, to de-stress, to record memories, and for a variety of other reasons I cannot quite form the words for.
And so it begins... again.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Coming Soon...
So stayed tuned... hopefully tomorrow! My free Saturday of having nothing planned suddenly turned into 1) Picking up my car 2) Picking up the dog 3) Grocery shopping 4) Working out with Kel 5) Driving my parents to the airport 6) Hanging some decor 7) Hanging with three big black dogs. Hmm.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
How did I get back into Goldfish? I had originally wanted to include two real goldfish per centerpiece at our wedding. Logistically, it did not work out. Plus I did not want people to be grossed out if the fish went belly up halfway through dinner. To keep with the up north “fish” type theme, we decided to have Goldfish as a snack during our cocktail hour.
One thing that I personally kind of screwed up on was communication. I slightly blame my parents… they are not the greatest communicators and I learn from my elders, right? I had all these awesome visions and I did my part to make these things come to fruition. However… I forgot about telling key people what I envisioned. I don’t know if I assumed they knew, if I thought I already told them, or if I simply was so busy I forgot. Either way… it happened with a few things over the course of the weekend.
Back to the Goldfish. I calculated enough to fill the vases at least once and then possibly a refill or two. Yes, I asked people to fill them up for me during set up, but I forgot to communicate the role of refilling. I also forgot to communicate the fact that “a full bar” during the reception means to me: beer, wine, hard liquor the entire time (7pm-midnight)… but more on that another time.
So because I did not communicate the need to refill the vases and I also probably overestimated how much people would eat... we are left with quite the abundance of Goldfish! I put one of the large bags in my desk at work. My thinking was "better this than something from the vending machine." But maybe I was off track... these things are addicting! Especially when you have a never-ending super huge bag of them :) Oh well. Either I will get my fill and won't buy them again until I have kiddos or I will buy a much, much smaller bag once this one runs out. I'll be sure to let you know if they become a staple in my lunch bag.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Jax Loves Squirrels!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Picking Out Rugs... I Realized: I'm Married!
For those who do not know, I work at an apartment community. We have a pretty great relationship with our residents - better than any place I have ever rented at. With this solid relationship comes a lot of chatting with residents. For anybody who knows me pretty well... I'm not exactly a social butterfly, especially when it comes to small talk. I am just awkward. But, for our residents, I give it my best.
(TWP in Burnsville)
Anyway, even with all those questions about being married, it never really hit me until this past Sunday morning. We were shopping at Target with a few gift cards from the wedding. We wanted to pick out a some items for our new place in St. Paul. I know, I know... we have lived here for almost two months now. But it's still new to me since I was in the wedding-planning-fog most of the time! For example... I still don't quite punch our microwave buttons right (which results in changing the clock frequently instead of cooking something).
So back to Target... I had my heart set on a particular set of rugs. They were even on our registry. I picked them out MONTHS ago. Sunday morning I was thinking a quick trip to Target Boutique (read with french accent) to return some double items, pick up the rugs, and maybe a few other small items. Nope. Wrongo. Tony despises these rugs! He has the largest version in the lobby of his office. He can't stand looking at it there everyday and then coming home to it and seeing it all over our entry/kitchen area. Plus he doesn't want to hear the comments if we have people over from work and they see the rugs.
Silhouette Vine at Target
I'm devastated. Ok... maybe a little dramatic. But I am highly disappointed. It is the only patterned rug that does not have any red in it (I'm not a fan) and that doesn't look floral antiquey. And it is dark... therefore dirt won't be quite as noticeable right away.
After a few debates, I put on my big girl pants and remembered that we are married now. It's not my home to decorate, it's OUR home. It's not my money we are spending, it's OUR money. I guess I have to start considering his opinions a little more than I used to... even with home decor. Yup... I'M MARRIED!!! It's not all about ME anymore!
I asked him about which rugs he preferred and we settled on a rug that would work for both of us. It wasn't my favorite and I'm not sure if it was his, but it's something that we both enjoy enough to buy it for our home. We are really shooting for a "grown-up" feel for our place. We are even thinking of inviting people over for dinner and such! :)
Left = Modern Botanical at Target . Right = Modern Botanical in Our Home :)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Testing Larger Photo Sizes!
Also... I am trying to decide what to put in the tabs up above. Or should I skip it? What ideas do you have for good pages? Thanks for the help revamping our blog!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Under Construction
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Almost Back to Reality
I will be changing up the blog next week when I get back to real life (still up north at the cabin). Thinking something more along the lines of just everyday life and such...
In the meantime, please feel free to share your pictures from the wedding weekend and browse other people's pictures:
Love you all!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Welcome to Tony & Justine's Wedding Week!!!
We are both so happy and feel very blessed to be able to have our wedding here in the north woods of Minnesota, where we have already enjoyed many special memories. We are especially honored that you have traveled here to be a part of our marriage celebration.
Many years from now when we look back upon this day, we will remember that it was not the flowers, the music, or the food that made our day so special; it is the memories of you – our family and friends, helping to celebrate the beginning of our lives as husband and wife – that we will cherish most. Having you here for our celebration will make our wedding truly wonderful and we thank you for sharing in one of our happiest occasions.
Included in this post is some helpful information and schedule of events. Please take some time to enjoy our beautiful surroundings, play in the lake, and explore the area. We hope that the next few days will be as memorable for you as they will be us.
With much love and appreciation,
Tony & Justine
schedule of events
Thursday, August 26th
Welcome Gathering & Lawn Games
Approximately 8pm
Friday, August 27th
Pre-Wedding Bonfire: Don’t forget your s'mores!
Approximately 9pm
Saturday, August 28th THE MAIN EVENT!
Ceremony at 5pm
Cocktail Hour 5:30-7pm
Dinner 7-8pm
Dance 8pm-Midnight
Bonfire Midnight-whenever!
Sunday, August 29th
Farewell Brunch at IronFire Grille
Anytime between 8-11am
photo sharing
After the wedding, we will be uploading our non-professional pictures (including guest book pictures) to There is no username or password required to access our site. We would greatly appreciate it if you would upload your pictures from the wedding so that everyone can share in the memories and enjoy different perspectives of the event. If you prefer an alternative, you could email us at, drop a picture CD in the mail to 1170 Cushing Circle, Saint Paul, MN 55108, or transfer your pics via memory card on Justine’s laptop before leaving town. Thanks!
important notes
• Get some rest Friday night after the bonfire… Saturday we will be up late partying and we want YOU to be there!!!
• Cocktail Hour on the Lawn will be hosted by us and will include Coors Light, Pinot Grigio, and Merlot.
• Reception is a Cash Bar + Free Leftover from Cocktail Hour. It truly is a CASH ONLY bar, no credit/debit cards accepted. There is also NO ATM onsite so PLEASE make arrangements beforehand (the closest ATM is located at the YMart where Hwy 371 & 200 split by the casino).
• There will be a Farewell Buffet Brunch on Sunday morning at the IronFire Grille, $13/person.
• Need your hair or nails done? Contact The Beehive in Walker.
• Hungry? Try the IronFire Grille onsite or venture into town!
• Forgot your swimsuit? Check out Reed’s Sporting Goods in Walker.
• There is free wi-fi throughout the resort, however it works best near the lodge/office.
• Questions/Concerns on the day of the wedding? Try Tony first! ;)
places to eat
Café Zona Rosa
Charlie’s Up North/Boat Bar
Lucky Moose
Village Square Pizza & Ice Cream
Ranch House Supper Club
502 at The Chase
things to do
Enjoy ALL of Horseshoe’s Amenities!
Bear Pause Theater
Downtown Walker Shopping
Forestedge Winery
Heartland State Trail
Itasca State Park
Tianna Golf Course/Longbow Golf Course
Northern Lights Casino
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Last Minute Crafts & Bach Parties

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Engagement Pics
Monday, August 16, 2010
Getting Crafty
Ash, Kel, and Jen came over Friday night to work on all things paper. This included: favor tags, programs, thank you cards, water bottle labels, and welcome flyers.
Since we are only 12 days from the big event, and work is crazy busy, this post is short and sweet! Enjoy the pics :)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Hair & Make-up Trial
We ended up just playing around with my hair instead of doing a full trial. The plan is to wear it in a low, side, curly ponytail and then convert it up into a low, side bun for the reception if I start getting too hot. If it's anything like the weather has been the last few days here (90 and crazy humid) we will skip straight to the bun. What do you think of the flower? Too big? Just the right size?
In other news... my dress fitting "Take 2" went much smoother. I should be able to pick up my dress tonight! :)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Pics from Date Night!

We walked down the street to a place called Charlie's looking for a good app and a cold drink. Unfortunately their kitchen was super backed up because of a wedding (about 30-45 minute wait on any food order). We were starving so we kept walking. We came up to the Freight House next and sat on their ginormous patio for some artichoke dip and drinks. After a little more walking and the sun setting, we were ready for some dinner.
We picked the Dock Cafe and it was absolutely delicious! I highly recommend it! I had the halibut with mango pineapple salsa, asparagus, and herb baby reds. Tony had the twin tenderloins with green beans and mashed potatoes. It was melt in your mouth wonderfulness! See his excitement below:

Saturday, August 7, 2010
Date Night

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Rough Draft of Important Check-in Notes!
We will be making a little flyer that the staff at Horseshoe will hand out to you as you check-in (or if we can manage the logistics, we will have it waiting in your room for you). It will contain a little schedule of events and important notices. Something along these lines:
Thursday Evening:
8pm Welcome Cocktails on the Lawn Outside IronFire Grill
5pm Rehearsal at Ceremony Site (Wedding Party and Immediate Family)
6:30pm Rehearsal Dinner @ Benson's in Walker (Wedding Party and Immediate Family)
9pm BONFIRE! Everyone Welcome! Located on the Beach in Front of Courtyard Suites

5pm Ceremony
5:30pm Cocktails on the Lawn
7pm Dinner in the Banquet Hall
11pm "Midnight Snack" + More Dancing + Karoke + Bonfires + Awesomeness!

8-11am Brunch at IronFire Grill - Everyone Welcome!
11:30am Gift Opening in Family Room of Courtyard Suites
1pm Michele and Gerry's Open House (lunch, swimming, boating, chilling)
Important Notes:
* Cocktail Hour will be hosted by us and will include Coors Light, Pinot Grigio, and Merlot.
* Reception is a Cash Bar + Free Leftovers from Cocktail Hour. It truly is a CASH ONLY bar, no credit/debit cards accepted. There is also NO ATM onsite so PLEASE make arrangement beforehand (the closest ATM is located at the YMart where 371 & 200 split by the Casino).
* Get some rest Friday night after the bonfire... Saturday we will be up late partying and we want YOU to be there!!!
* Need your hair or nails done? Contact The Beehive in Walker.
* Hungry? Try the IronFire Grill onsite or venture into town!
* Do NOT forget your swimsuit - they have an awesome beach!
* Questions/Concerns on the day of the wedding? Try Tony first! ;)

Friday, July 30, 2010
Time's A-Tickin!
(Fall 2005)
P.S. The ceremony will make you cry! It is very sweet :0)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

... but now I'm worried they are going to be too big & tall. And too many to rent to make an impact, which could get expensive.
Back to the drawing board I guess! Any suggestions would be wonderful :)
Monday, July 26, 2010
Marriage Mentor
We got to go back and forth talking about our strengths and weaknesses when it comes to communicating with each other. We also learned how to be more assertive and to actively listen to our spouse's needs and requests. One of our topics was about how I get worked up and talk really loud when I'm excited about something, whether that is good excited or mad excited. I go "dino" on Tony (like Dino on The Flintstones, I start talking super fast and get louder and louder). Tony is definitely much more of a quiet volume guy and I like it loud.
So when I was shopping at Target the other day, I thought this little sign was a very relevant little reminder for me to put up somewhere in our new place:
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010
Hillbilly Bone

Yup, you saw it right... gauze, twine, and dangling from our curtain rods. I'm glad he is so handy & savvy ;)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Please email, comment, call, or text with any ideas! Thanks for the help :)
P.S. I updated some info under the Wedding FAQ page!