Warning: A slight case of TMI ahead... you've been warned.
New developments: slight round ligament pain off and on yesterday when standing up too fast, especially getting out of the car. For those who have no idea about the prego language I am quickly learning, round ligament pain is a sharp twinge of pain or tightening in your lower abdomen. As the uterus grows (it now fills the pelvis), the ligaments surrounding it go through a lot of stretching and growing. Also, I sneezed today and dripped a drop of pee... not just once, but twice! Sucky! I better pick up some panty liners... maybe ditch the thongs :( ... and work on my kegels. Kegels = working the pelvic floor muscles by squeezing and holding. Good for all women, not just the pregnant ones.
Old news... bloat!!! I am so sick of the bloating. I've gained maybe two pounds since we found out, yet I just keep getting THICKer, instead of bellylicious! I go to bed looking totally different than when I wake up in the morning. It's like there is no where for the food to go all day so it just stacks up on my tummy. Very weird.
So here is a pic from tonight. After chowing down the delish Cossetta's. And walking the dog. So excuse the mess and the massive bloat.
Oh... and check out the boobs. Already reaching epic proportions and apparently they are at their largest during breastfeeding. Boobs vs. Belly. So far the boobs are winning.
P.S. Baby Stein is a Peach this week!!! And maybe turning into a Princess Peach ;)
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