Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Summer Romances

"Summer romances begin for all kinds of reasons, but when all is said and done, they have one thing in common. They're shooting stars, a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, fleeting glimpse of eternity, and in a flash they're gone." - The Notebook

Tony and I began as a summer romance that ended when I went to Rochester for school. Lucky for us our summer romance spark was so fabulous that we wanted to keep it going!

Here is wishing all of our loved ones a great summer romance, whether starting fresh or rekindling the love!!!

(The pic is from me and Tony's first trip together our first summer back in '05).


Alaina and Elias said...

I just re-found your blog! It is really cute... I love the pics. I called Horseshoe today to see if there were any rooms still avail... I know I am late. Am I too late? Are there any rooms left? Miss you mucho

Justine said...

I am waiting for an email from the resort on updates for rooms. I will let you know as soon as I know. We are also going up there this weekend so if anything, I can check then.

I wish you were in the wedding too but I know it's difficult since you are already coming out in July. Maybe you could still play a special part... hmm... think about it!

Alaina and Elias said...

So I just looked at your updated info and it looks like the dates to book were extended to April 30th - yay for me! Would it be a prob if we camped? I know you mentioned you might need a certain amount of people to sign up to get the deal? Dude. Your birthday is coming up here, what are your plans? I need to just call ya.

Alaina and Elias said...

Oh my goodness you already wrote back!! haha :) Whatever you want me to do!! I would love to help.

Justine said...

I am unsure if the camping will be available - the office lady Michelle was up in the air about it. There is a national forest campground a couple miles away, right next to my moms cabin. I would call Michelle at the resort and ask her about camping.

Going up to the cabin for wedding stuff, fishing, and golfing! :)


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