Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Eggs & Baskets


The New Year.


Big Ideas. 


As I sit in my living room on this first day of 2014, I ponder all of the things I want to try. And then I think... I have too many baskets and not enough eggs. They say don't put all your eggs in one basket, but what if you have too many baskets? Am I even making any sense here? I guess what I am saying is that there are so many things I want to put effort into, that I can't seem to narrow it down. I don't want to do a bunch of things half-assed or maybe even quarter-assed. I want to do just one, two, or three things AWESOMELY (not a word, but who cares, grammar is not one of my top three "baskets"). But how do I choose? 

Here are a few things that come to mind when planning for 2014... 
* Financial - seriously crack down on debt, again
* Norwex - build my team and have consistent parties, aka actually make money (or do I just bail altogether on direct selling and if I want extra money, try something else???)
* Blogging - writing consistently, creating/following a theme, and maybe/possibly monetizing 
* House - keeping it clean, decorating, improving, and most of all fixing up the exterior
* Meal Planning - getting sick of the question, "what's for dinner?" as well as the almost daily trips to Target
* Fitness - I'm back at my pre-baby weight but I NEED to tone it up, I love Zumba and Yoga, but I'm thinking of incorporating some weight lifting
* Hubby - continuing to strengthen our relationship and making sure to connect daily (if only for a few minutes), have date nights, work as a team with the kids, and maybe even take a little vacay

* Brody - cut back on tv, add more easy crafts/learning play, go to the library, go on adventures
* Charlee - get into a good routine, teach her how to sleep on her own, breastfeed as long as possible, remember that she is her own person and she WILL be different than Brody
* So many more... Extended Family, Friends, Work, Photography, DIY/Crafts/Sewing/Baking, Book Club, MOPS, etc. 

Umm... can you see why I'm slightly overwhelmed??? Where should most of my focus be? How much is too much on a person's plate? Everything listed above are things that I enjoy, but I feel like I need to narrow down and focus a bit. 

Even with all of this being said, I am energized and excited for what is to come and my journey towards finding my focus! 

What are your goals/resolutions/ideas for 2014? How are you feeling about the start of another year?

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